I started this blog because I felt a little bit adrift in the fog of new motherhood. I didn't fit into one particular parenting group. I practice babywearing, but didn't breastfeed. We co-sleep, but ditched cloth diapering. I opted for organic baby food, but let my toddler watch TV. I also realized that most of my preconceived (and admittedly naive) notions about motherhood were nothing compared to the reality of holding and nurturing a baby.
I decided to embrace my maternal neutrality and I know I'm not the only Moderate Momma (MoMo) out there. So the question is, are you a MoMo?
Are you...
- A mom/grandmother/aunt/parental figure in a child's life?
- Figuring this out as you go just like the rest of us?
- Willing to laugh at yourself? (can you say Pinterest fail?)
- Comfortable letting your mess show?
- A working mom, stay at home mom, a work at home mom, a trapeze flying mom?
- A breastfeeder, formula feeder, pumper, or a combination of these?
- Trying to raise a healthy, happy child without screwing them up too much?
- Doubtful that you're doing a good job, but busting your ass anyway?
- Ready to leave judgments behind and embrace the sisterhood of motherhood?
If you can answer yes to these questions, WELCOME! You are in good company. We are all so much more alike than different. :)
Fellow bloggers, I invite you to join the MoMo movement. Share a post about motherhood, tweet or Instagram the post with #MoMo.