

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

How I got my flirt back

Today I dropped off Arlo at Mother's Day Out, went to the dentist for a teeth cleaning, and then had an impromptu date with my husband. :) 

It was the middle of the work day, it was the lunch hour, but we felt like we had flashed back in time to our dating days. When I pulled into the parking lot and parked next to my husband, he jumped out to open my door and greeted me with a big smile and a kiss.  The one thing that we have been missing since becoming parents has been uninterrupted one on one time with each other. Time to be still. Time to reconnect. Time to see each other as we used to. Not as "Mommy" and "Daddy" but the person who makes our heart beat faster. 

The silver lining to our infertility struggle was that we had 7.5 years of marriage to just be the two of us. While we longed for a baby, we loved our freedom and time with each other. Our lives have been filled with so much joy since having Arlo, but sometimes  while passing off a baby to be fed, tag-teaming story time, or playing another long game of peek-a-boo, we catch each others' eyes and say, "I miss you." We both know what the other means. We're in the same room, but we miss the us that we used to be.

That's why these spontaneous date lunches are so important. While we did talk about Arlo, we also talked about our other common interests, day dreamed about the future, and flirted. After the check was paid, we walked back to our respective cars, shared a kiss and went back to our days. 

I had a long list of things to-do today. It would have been easy to stay holed up in my home office knocking out work and getting ahead on deadlines while Arlo was away, but today the best thing I could have done with my time was sit across from my husband, share a meal, and do some flirting. 

What are your creative ideas for making time for dates and keeping your spark alive?


  1. Love this! Made me tear up and remember how much I love the hubs! It is the WHY for our lives ! Hugs! Xo

  2. My husband and I were thinking about trying for a baby, but we realized we needed a little more time as just the 2 of us. There's something so special about this time. Thanks for sharing this! I'm glad you got to have some husband and wife time!

  3. Omg I love this! Haha. I'm so glad that you were able to get some hubby/wife time. People often forget how important alone time can be in a relationship! Thanks for sharing, dear! My love and I are going to start something fun, but silly called a date jar! We'll have different date ideas & activities that we can do to spend time with one another. :)

  4. My husband and I made a Marriage Board, and listed the things we needed in our marriage. One of them is weekly date night. Since we have 3 young kids and limited funds, sometimes it's just Netflix after bedtime or a walk through the neighborhood. But having that alone time is so important and gives us a chance to talk about something other than the kids.

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